自建企业级邮件服务器、域名邮箱!iRedMail 企业级邮件系统搭建、配置、优化教程! – V2RaySSR综合网
自建企业级邮件服务器、域名邮箱!iRedMail 企业级邮件系统搭建、配置、优化教程! – V2RaySSR综合网
同时使用国内CDN和Cloudflare - 夏日冰菓
同时使用国内CDN和Cloudflare - 夏日冰菓
How to configure a SSL-VPN with certificate authentication on a Fortigate
How to configure a SSL-VPN with certificate authentication on a Fortigate
This guide details the steps to configure an SSL VPN with certificate authentication on a Fortigate device, using OPENSSL to generate the necessary CA and certificates. Key steps include generating a root certificate, creating server and client certificate signing requests (CSRs), signing the CSRs, and importing the certificates into the Fortigate. The guide also covers configuring PKI users, SSL-VPN settings, and troubleshooting commands.
Checklist for Fortigate admin access over SSL-VPN
Checklist for Fortigate admin access over SSL-VPN
The checklist for Fortigate admin access over SSL-VPN includes ensuring trusted hosts are configured, allowing access on the interface, establishing a firewall policy from the SSL-VPN interface to the LAN, and verifying the routing table for proper connectivity. Specific configuration commands are provided for each step to facilitate the setup process.
NESSUS 10.6.4在Windows11安装破解全指导+避坑指南-CSDN博客
🏅NESSUS 10.6.4在Windows11安装破解全指导+避坑指南-CSDN博客
本文详细介绍了在Windows 11上安装和破解NESSUS 10.6.4的步骤,包括下载安装、获取插件包、破解过程、关闭更新以及避坑指南。强调了在破解过程中需要注意的细节和可能遇到的问题,提供了解决方案和官方链接以供参考。
How to configure an Automation Stitch (email alert) for CPU threshold on a Fortigate. - Secnetlinux
How to configure an Automation Stitch (email alert) for CPU threshold on a Fortigate. - Secnetlinux
To configure an Automation Stitch for CPU threshold alerts on a Fortigate, set the CPU usage threshold to 50% and create an Automation Stitch under Security Fabric. Use the GUI to select CPU Usage Statistics as the trigger and specify the email address for alerts. Alternatively, configure it via CLI by setting the SMTP server and email parameters. Test the configuration by generating traffic to exceed the CPU threshold.