RedteaGO - 最划算的大陆漫游 eSim 流量卡,原生境外 IP,注册就送 3 刀。 - 思有云 - IOIOX
RedteaGO - 最划算的大陆漫游 eSim 流量卡,原生境外 IP,注册就送 3 刀。 - 思有云 - IOIOX
How to Run Program without Admin Privileges and Bypass UAC Prompt | Windows OS Hub
How to Run Program without Admin Privileges and Bypass UAC Prompt | Windows OS Hub
This article provides various methods to run a program without admin privileges and bypass the UAC prompt in Windows OS. It covers topics such as configuring permissions for non-admin users, allowing standard users to run programs that require admin privileges, bypassing UAC with the RunAsInvoker option in CMD, enabling the RunAsInvoker mode in the EXE file manifest, and creating a shortcut to run a program with a saved administrator password. Each method is explained in detail with step-by-step instructions.
Astra Pro主题超详细手把手设置图文教程 - 虾皮路
Astra Pro主题超详细手把手设置图文教程 - 虾皮路
Astra Pro是一款功能齐全、易于使用、具有灵活性的WordPress主题,适用于各种类型的网站。它具有快速加载速度、设计灵活性、广泛的集成、响应式设计和SEO友好等优点。本文提供了关于Astra Pro主题的详细设置图文教程,包括安装、导入预制网站、自定义Header和Footer、配置布局和颜色选项、设置导航菜单、自定义产品页面、自定义首页、关于页面和联系页面、自定义博客页面、制作Mega Menu和将Elementor模板添加到超级菜单等内容。
Defender Control v2.1
Defender Control v2.1
Defender Control v2.1 is a portable freeware that allows users to disable Microsoft Defender in Windows 10 completely. It provides different blocking methods and can be useful for users experiencing conflicts between Defender and their antivirus application or those who want to disable Defender permanently. The program's interface displays the status of Microsoft Defender and allows users to enable or disable it with one click. It supports multiple languages and operating systems.
容器安全之镜像扫描 - 自由早晚乱余生 - 博客园
容器安全之镜像扫描 - 自由早晚乱余生 - 博客园
本文介绍了容器镜像扫描的两种工具:docker scan和Trivy。docker scan是docker官方推出的插件,需要登录dockerhub用户才能使用,免费扫描限制为10次/月。Trivy是一个全面且多功能的安全扫描仪,支持多种扫描场景和平台。文章还提到了镜像扫描的几种应用场景,并介绍了ImagePolicyWebhook容器镜像扫描的实现方式。
服务器入侵之找出隐藏字符的原理 - 自由早晚乱余生 - 博客园
服务器入侵之找出隐藏字符的原理 - 自由早晚乱余生 - 博客园
本文介绍了在服务器入侵过程中发现隐藏字符的原理。通过使用命令如cat -A,可以查看隐藏字符,其中包括转换为\\r的^M字符,它表示回车并可能导致内容覆盖。文章提供了示例和注意事项,并给出了参考文章和作者信息。
5 Best Open Source SIEM Tools | Mezmo
5 Best Open Source SIEM Tools | Mezmo
This post discusses the 5 best open-source SIEM tools for organizations looking to mitigate cybersecurity risks and detect threats. The featured SIEM solutions include AlienVault OSSIM, MozDef, Wazuh, Prelude OSS, and Sagan, each with its own unique features and advantages. The post emphasizes the importance of finding a SIEM that suits specific needs and offers effective threat detection capabilities.
Create and host a tunnel - Microsoft dev tunnels | Microsoft Learn
Create and host a tunnel - Microsoft dev tunnels | Microsoft Learn
Learn how to create and host a dev tunnel using Microsoft's devtunnel CLI tool. This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing the CLI on different operating systems, logging in, hosting a dev tunnel, and connecting to it. With dev tunnels, you can securely test and debug web apps and webhooks from anywhere.
Automated Alerts on Azure (Entra ID) Application Secret Expirations - The Lazy Administrator
Automated Alerts on Azure (Entra ID) Application Secret Expirations - The Lazy Administrator
This article provides a guide on using Azure to automate alerts for Azure (Entra ID) application secret expirations. It covers creating a new Azure application, assigning permissions, creating an app secret, connecting to the Microsoft Graph API, retrieving application information, handling pagination, getting application secret expiration, converting time to local time zone, dealing with multiple secrets per application, sending alerts via email and Microsoft Teams, and setting up automatic serverless automation using PowerShell runbooks and schedules.