AC-Hunter™ Community Edition - Active Countermeasures

AC-Hunter™ Community Edition is a free version of AC-Hunter that provides threat hunting functionality with some limitations. It offers the same powerful threat hunting analytics and network insights as the paid Enterprise Edition. Users can choose between an install script or a VMWare virtual image based on their specific use case. AC-Hunter Enterprise and AC-Hunter Community Edition are compared in a chart, and users are also directed to other threat hunting tools.

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Use Azure Automation and PowerShell to Create a Daily Microsoft Entra Risk Report | Practical365

This article explains how to use Azure Automation and PowerShell to create a daily Microsoft Entra risk report. By automating the process, administrators can monitor risk events, gather data, format it into an HTML report, and send it via email. The report includes information on risk detections, risky users, and risky service principals, providing visibility into identity-based attacks and allowing for timely action. The article provides step-by-step instructions on setting up the Azure Automation account, assigning necessary permissions, installing required Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK modules, adding the code, reviewing the report, and scheduling the script to run daily.

PNETLab : Lab is Simple

To use PNETLab, download the .ova file and deploy it on virtualization platforms like VirtualBox or VMWare. Make sure to enable virtualization in your BIOS. After deployment, register and login to access the PNETLab box through your browser. You can choose between online and offline mode, with offline mode not requiring registration. In the PNETLab box, you can go to the store to download free labs and practice them. The labs come with lab files, workbooks, and instructions on how to use the console.

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