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Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals | CISA
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Nov 27, 2023
Dec 7, 2023
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CISA's Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGs) are a subset of cybersecurity practices, selected through a thorough process of industry, government, and expert consultation, aimed at meaningfully reducing risks to both critical infrastructure operations and the American people. These voluntary CPGs strive to help small- and medium-sized organizations kickstart their cybersecurity efforts by prioritizing investment in a limited number of essential actions with high-impact security outcomes.

The CPGs are intended to be:

  • A benchmark for critical infrastructure operators to measure and improve their cybersecurity maturity.
  • A combination of recommended practices for information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) owners, including a prioritized set of security practices.
  • Unique from other control frameworks as they consider not only the practices that address risk to individual entities, but also the aggregate risk to the nation.
    • A baseline set of cybersecurity practices broadly applicable across critical infrastructure with known risk-reduction value.

CISA's CPGS have been organized to align to the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) functions:

  1. Identify: Develop an organizational understanding to manage cybersecurity risk to systems, assets, data, and capabilities.
  1. Protect: Develop and implement the appropriate safeguards to ensure delivery of services.
  1. Detect: Develop and implement the appropriate activities to identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity event.
  1. Respond: Develop and implement the appropriate activities to take action regarding a detected cybersecurity event.
  1. Recover: Develop and implement the appropriate activities to maintain plans for resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that we impaired due to a cybersecurity event.
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